How to Fix Drafty Windows in San Diego

How to Fix Drafty Windows in San Diego

May 1, 2023
Martin Whitmore, President of US Window & Door
examining windows for drafts

Drafty windows in San Diego can cause discomfort and are often a sign of energy waste in your home. They can also adversely affect the air quality inside your house by allowing allergens and excess moisture to enter. This can lead to health issues and an increase in energy bills.

San Diego has a mild climate with warm summers and cool winters. Fixing drafty windows can help to reduce energy waste by preventing the loss of heated or cooled air. This can lead to significant energy savings on heating and cooling costs.

Fortunately, the problem of drafty windows in San Diego can be fixed, so it is important not to overlook it. In this guide, we'll talk about how to identify the source of drafty windows along with short-term and long-term fixes for them.


Identifying the Source of Drafts   

Drafty windows can be caused by several factors, including poor installation, age and wear, structural issues, insufficient insulation, and the type of window. Understanding these common causes is essential to address the issue effectively and improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home.

Below are the specific causes of drafty windows:

Poor Insulation  

Windows that are not installed properly can leave gaps that allow air to enter or escape. This can happen if the window is not sealed correctly or if the frame is not flush with the wall. It creates space between the window and the surrounding walls or frame when not installed properly.

These gaps allow air to enter or escape, leading to drafts and a less energy-efficient home. Inadequate insulation can also lead to temperature fluctuations, as hot or cold air can more easily penetrate the gaps around the window, making your home less comfortable. Additionally, poor insulation can contribute to moisture and condensation issues, which can lead to further damage and potential health concerns.

It's essential to hire a professional window installation company with expertise and a proven track record of proper installation to prevent drafty windows. Typically DIY methods tend to cause poor insulation.

Age and Wear   

Age and wear can cause drafty windows as the window components become worn and damaged over time. The seals and weatherstripping around the window become brittle and cracked, allowing air to enter or escape. Window frames can also become warped or misaligned, creating gaps that allow drafts.


Additionally, the glass in older windows may not be as effective at insulating as modern glass, which can contribute to energy loss and drafts. As windows age, they are less effective at keeping out drafts and maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, so regular maintenance and window replacement may be necessary to keep your windows in good condition.

Structural Issues   

Structural issues in your San Diego home cause drafty windows by shifting or settling the window frame out of alignment with the wall. This can create gaps that allow air to enter or escape, leading to drafts and a less energy-efficient home. Structural issues also cause damage to the surrounding walls or window frame, contributing to gaps and drafts.

If you suspect your home has structural issues, it is important to address them as soon as possible to prevent further damage and maintain a comfortable indoor environment. Fixing the underlying structural issue can help ensure that your windows are properly aligned and sealed, improving their overall energy efficiency and reducing drafts.

Insufficient Insulation   

Without proper insulation, air can more easily penetrate around the window, leading to drafts and a less energy-efficient home. In addition, poor insulation contributes to temperature fluctuations, as hot or cold air can more easily enter or escape the home through gaps around the window. This leads to moisture and condensation issues, which can damage the window frame and surrounding walls and potentially lead to health concerns.

By ensuring that your windows are properly insulated, you can improve their energy efficiency and reduce drafts, creating a more comfortable indoor environment and reducing energy costs.

Window Type   

The window type can affect or cause drafts in windows because different types have varying degrees of insulation and sealing properties. For example, single-pane windows are less energy-efficient than double or triple-pane windows, which can contribute to drafts and energy loss.

Additionally, some types of windows, such as sliding or casement windows, may be more prone to air leaks and drafts than others, such as fixed or picture windows. Furthermore, the quality of the materials used to make the window can impact its ability to prevent drafts.

checking the window frame

Poor quality frames, glass, or seals can allow air to enter or escape, leading to drafts and a less energy-efficient home. By selecting high-quality, energy-efficient windows that are appropriate for the climate and design of your San Diego home, you can reduce drafts and improve your home's overall energy efficiency.

How to Identify the Source of Drafts in Your San Diego Home   

If you're experiencing drafts in your San Diego home, it's important to identify the source of the problem to address it effectively. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you identify the source of drafts and improve your home's energy efficiency and comfort.

  1. Check the window frame: Look for gaps or spaces between the window frame and the surrounding wall. Run your hand around the perimeter of the frame to feel for any drafts.
  2. Evaluate the weatherstripping: Inspect the weatherstripping around the window to ensure it is in good condition and creates a tight seal. If the weatherstripping is damaged or worn, it may need to be replaced.
  3. Inspect the sealant: Look for cracks or gaps in the sealant around the window. Use a flashlight to check for light coming through any cracks or gaps.
  4. Look over the glass for cracks: Check the glass for any damage, such as cracks or gaps. Inspect the edges of the glass to ensure that they are properly sealed.
  5. Check the window operation: Open and close the window to ensure that it is operating smoothly and that the locking mechanism is creating a tight seal.
  6. Keep an eye out for structural issues: Look for any signs of structural issues, such as settling or shifting the window frame. It is essential to consult with a professional if you suspect structural issues.

By following these steps, you can identify the source of drafts in your windows and take the necessary steps to improve your home's energy efficiency and comfort.


Importance of Identifying the Drafty Windows   

Determining the cause of drafts in your San Diego home is essential for several reasons. For one, drafts can cause discomfort by allowing outdoor air to enter and indoor air to escape, leading to inconsistent temperatures and poor air quality. Additionally, drafts can increase energy costs, as HVAC systems work harder to maintain a consistent temperature.

By pinpointing the specific areas where drafts occur, you can take targeted steps to seal leaks or replace damaged windows and add insulation to prevent future drafts. This can help reduce energy costs and create a more comfortable living environment.

Identifying the cause of drafts is also essential for prioritizing home improvement projects. By focusing on the areas with the most significant drafts, you can make the most impactful improvements and save time and money in the long run.

Temporary Fixes for Drafty Windows   

If you're experiencing drafts in your San Diego home, there are some quick and easy temporary fixes you can try to improve the situation. While these fixes may not provide a permanent solution, they can help reduce drafts and improve comfort in the short term.

fixing window with sealant

You will need some basic materials and tools to implement temporary fixes for drafty windows. These may include:

  • Weatherstripping tape
  • Rope caulk
  • Draft stoppers
  • Window film
  • Caulk gun
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • Utility knife

We'll review the steps to temporarily fix your drafty windows now that you have the materials. While they're likely a huge nuisance, these short-term fixes may do the trick.

Weatherstripping tape:

Measure the dimensions of the window frame and cut the weatherstripping tape to size. Apply the tape to the edges of the frame, pressing firmly to ensure a tight seal.

Rope caulk:

Pull off a length of rope caulk and knead it to soften it. Apply the caulk to any gaps or cracks around the window frame, pressing it firmly to create a seal.

Draft stoppers:

Place a draft stopper along the bottom of the window, pressing it against the window sill to prevent drafts from entering. You can also use draft stoppers along the sides of the window for additional insulation.

Window film:

Measure the window's dimensions and cut the film to size. Apply the film to the window using double-sided tape, stretching it taut, and using a hairdryer to smooth any wrinkles.

Caulk gun:

Apply a bead of caulk around the edges of the window frame, smoothing it out with your finger or a caulk smoothing tool. This will seal any gaps or cracks and prevent drafts from entering.

While these temporary fixes may not provide a permanent solution to drafts in your San Diego home, they can help improve comfort and reduce energy costs until more significant repairs can be made.

Permanent Solutions for Drafty Windows   

While temporary fixes can relieve drafty windows, they are not long-term solutions. You may need to consider investing in more significant repairs or replacements for a more permanent fix. Some of the most effective permanent solutions for drafty windows include:

  • Replacing the window entirely
  • Installing storm windows
  • Upgrading to double- or triple-pane windows
  • Applying insulating window film
  • Sealing air leaks with spray foam insulation

Before we get into these solutions, you may wonder about the costs of implementing these solutions.

The cost and effectiveness of permanent solutions for drafty windows can vary widely. Replacing a window entirely or installing storm windows can be costly but highly effective while upgrading to double- or triple-pane windows or applying insulating window film may be more affordable but provide less insulation. Sealing air leaks with spray foam insulation can be affordable but may require more maintenance over time.

Follow the guide on some potential solutions to your drafty windows:

Replacing the window entirely:

Remove the old window and measure the dimensions of the opening. Install the new window, using shims to ensure a tight fit, and seal the edges with caulk.

replacing windows

Installing storm windows:

Measure the dimensions of the window frame and install the storm window using clips or screws, ensuring a tight seal.

Upgrading to double- or triple-pane windows:

Remove the existing window and replace it with a new one, which provides added insulation.

Applying insulating window film:

Measure the window's dimensions and cut the film to size. Apply the film to the window using double-sided tape, stretching it taut, and using a hairdryer to smooth any wrinkles.

Sealing air leaks with spray foam insulation:

Identify cracks around the window frame and apply spray foam insulation to fill them, smoothing out any excess foam with a putty knife.

Permanent solutions for drafty windows can provide long-term relief and energy savings but may require a larger investment upfront. Consider your budget and the level of insulation you need before choosing a permanent solution for your San Diego home.


Enhance Your Home's Comfort and Energy Efficiency   

Fixing drafty windows in your San Diego home helps you save money on your energy bills by reducing the energy needed to heat or cool your home.

Furthermore, it improves indoor air quality by reducing the number of allergens and pollutants entering your home. Say goodbye to drafty air, and enjoy having consistent temperatures in your home.

Drafty windows can be a significant issue for homeowners in San Diego, but fortunately, many temporary and permanent solutions are available. By identifying the source of drafts and choosing the appropriate fix, you can save money, improve your home's energy efficiency, and increase your comfort.

If you're experiencing drafty windows in your San Diego home, don't wait to take action. Implement the tips and solutions discussed, or consider replacing your windows entirely with US Window & Door for professional installation. At USWD, we offer a variety of energy-efficient windows and doors that can help you save money and improve your home's comfort. Schedule a free estimate* today to get started on fixing your drafty windows.