5 Ways To Save On Your Energy Bill

5 Ways To Save On Your Energy Bill

April 11, 2014
Martin Whitmore, President of US Window & Door
cool energy efficient windows

Homeowners are always looking for ways to save money on their energy bills.  Luckily, there are countless ways for them to conserve energy while saving valuable dollars and cents.  In addition to making minor adjustments to existing appliances, new, energy-efficient appliances are quickly replacing their outdated, energy-wasting predecessors.  Below are some of the most popular and best ways that homeowners can improve energy efficiency while reducing the cost of their energy bills:

1) Seal Air Leaks on Windows and Doors

  • Replace old windows and doors with new energy-saving windows and doors
  • Apply weather stripping or caulking around older windows and doors
  • Expanding foam sealants to fill in larger gaps around plumbing and electrical work
  • Material costs are approximately $50
  • Save 10% or more (typically $50 – $170 per year) on heating bills

2) Tune Up Your Heating System

  • Soot buildup, dusty or poorly lubricated fans, flickering pilot lights, and loose fan belts can add hundreds to annual heating costs
  • Tune ups run approximately $100 from a licensed technician (hiring an HVAC professional is recommended)
  • Furnace tune-ups save up to 10% or more on heating bills
  • Sealing ductwork reduces air leakage by up to 15% and heating bills up to 10%

3) Purchase Energy Star Products

  • Includes refrigerators, clothes washers, and dishwashers
  • Americans spend roughly 20% of their electricity bills running appliances
  • The average US homeowner can save up to $80 per year in energy costs for the refrigerator; $110 per year for the clothes washer, and $30$ per year for the dishwasher
  • Energy Star refrigerators use half as much energy as those manufactured 15 years ago
  • Clothes washers are 40% more efficient than traditional models
  • Energy Star-rated dishwashers exceed current federal energy standards by 41%

4) Stuff the Attic!

  • The US Department Of Energy says that homeowners can reduce heating and cooling consumption by 30% by adding insulation (especially if a home is more than 25 years old)
  • Besides the attic, homeowners should consider adding insulation to crawl spaces, ceilings, and also around recessed lighting fixtures.
  • Approximate cost of adding new insulation is $300 (depending on the size of the attic)

5) Take a Less-Expensive Shower

  • Heating water accounts for up to 11% of all utility bills (if a water heater is more than 10 years old, that number could be even higher)
  • An energy-efficient electric water heater costs around $750 installed
  • Save up to 20% on water heating bills simply by purchasing a new water heater
  • Popular water heaters include new energy-efficient electrical heaters as well as gas or tankless units

Going energy-efficient is great for everyone and offers countless benefits.  Homeowners save money in the long run by using less energy, which makes more energy available for more people, and the environment benefits as well.  Conserving energy is increasingly more and more important and it has become easier than ever to make these improvements to homes.