Are Replacement Windows Smaller than the Original

Are Replacement Windows Smaller than the Original

Many customers envision beautiful bow or bay windows in their home, but they’re not sure if they have the right type of window openings for such an installation. Contrary to popular belief, it’s possible to change most openings to windows, thereby changing the look and feel of the home. Window replacements not only improve the home’s value and curb appeal, but they also add function, style, and natural light to rooms. At US Window & Door, we offer a range of custom Milgard replacement window sizes to fit any home’s architectural style. Here, homeowners will learn more about how window replacement affects the size of the home’s window openings to answer the question, “Are Replacement Windows Smaller than the Original?”.

What are Window Rough Openings?

If a homeowner is planning a window replacement or retrofit project, they’ve likely read that they need to know the size of window rough openings. However, most don’t know what this means. Rough openings are windows’ framed openings. Window frames have headers at the top, sill plates at the bottom, and vertical trim on both sides. Because these design elements consume space, a window that’s three feet by four feet is actually smaller to accommodate the window installation system. The difference between the rough opening and the actual size of the window will vary from one manufacturer to another.

Can You Make Window Openings Smaller or Bigger?

Many of our customers ask our window design experts if they can have larger or smaller window openings than the home currently has. Our answer is: absolutely! While most window companies sell replacement and retrofit windows, they don’t make adjustments or offer alterations to window openings; they just put windows of the same size into the current opening. At US Window & Door, our trained and skilled installers can decrease or increase window opening sizes or reframe Milgard replacements in nearly any situation.

Why Is it So Difficult to Change Window Openings?

Not all installers can modify a home’s current window openings. The modification is a somewhat complicated task that requires particular skills. Altering window openings may affect the rest of the home’s structure, particularly if the window is part of a load-bearing wall. Therefore, it’s important to find a reliable contractor who can do the job right. At US Window & Door, we work with skilled artisans who can handle alterations like shortening, widening, and creating openings for new construction windows so that you don’t lose an inch of the view when you replace your windows with Milgard.

Why is Correct Installation so Crucial?

A poor installation may affect the window’s durability, energy efficiency, and overall performance. Without correct installation, windows may gradually fail, or they may not perform up to their energy ratings. Our Milgard factory trained technicians offer expert installation, unbeatable quality, and long-term window performance. Additionally, installers will treat every customer’s home with the respect it deserves, and they’ll do everything possible to minimize disruption to customers’ daily routines.

Why is Window Size So Important?

The size of a home’s window openings will directly affect the cost of retrofitting or new construction. More massive windows consume more materials, and they’ll cost more. Some sellers offer replacement windows in standardized sizes, which cost less because they’re made in large quantities. It’s possible to fit standard-sized windows into existing openings, but it requires the use of insulation, caulk, and wood shims, which substantially reduce windows’ energy efficiency. Furthermore, if the customer hires a contractor, they’ll pay more because of the additional materials and installation time. To maximize windows’ efficiency, the best bet is to order custom windows from Milgard.

What Does This Mean for Window Replacement and Retrofitting Projects?

Buying custom windows for the home will help owners save work, money, and frustration when compared to standardized window sizes. With Milgard’s custom windows, buyers are assured of great looks and a proper fit every time. While the term “custom” sometimes means a higher cost, we believe it’s a worthwhile investment in the appearance, value, and energy efficiency of the home.

What are the Advantages of Professional Installation?

Professional window measurements and installation methods are the most effective way to ensure that a home’s windows are installed safely and accurately. It also shifts all the risk from the homeowner to the installer. If a homeowner takes incorrect measurements and orders the wrong size windows, they’re responsible for the additional expense and time required to make them fit or order new windows entirely. However, with installation assistance from one of Milgard’s certified installers, customers are more likely to get a proper fit. If a contractor measures incorrectly, they’re ultimately responsible for making windows fit or ordering new units that meet the customer’s and home’s requirements. For more information on window replacement, retrofitting, and sizing, call US Window & Door today. In the meantime, we hope this guide answered your question, “Are Replacement Windows Smaller than the Original”.